Having, now, about two hours of the school year left and counting, I went tooling around the internet and found this post: http://lostandtired.com/2013/06/19/insane-in-the-membrane/ , and got “Insane in the Membrane” (a life-mantra, if you will, for the Full Spectrum Family and Friends) stuck in my head for the gazillionth time and, so here, Daddy lostandtired, …Gotcha back? Hope so.
Summer, Summer, Summer Tiiime…Time to Sit Back and Unwind
Remember this Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince song?
I’ve been humming it incessantly. Because that’s what we are
going to do this summer?
Yup, I am determined to show my guys the FUNNEST, most
wholesome, refreshing, unwindingest summer EVER.
And so I am sure there won’t be a THING to write about.
Plus, it seems I will be busily frolicking with Z and G 24/7 all summer, except for two weeks of camp, during which I will
be, naturally, sailing the Mediterranean and getting my spa on. *
Indeed, we’ll be sleeping late,* eating a wide range of ONLY
healthy foods while having no stomach issues,* and taking luxurious* road trips
with the whole family enjoying brain- and character-building activities,*
bicker-free, of course.*
I’ll certainly be musing about ongoing topics from past concerns such as:
how “disability” can be a super useful term (a.k.a. “I’ll call you
whatever you want, whenever you want,” hmm…maybe that’s the post right there?);
diarrhea (Do we still have it? Bet
you’re on the edge of your seat!);
Shifting Gears parts II, III and
whether bringing up the existence
of Finding Fairies (http://fullspectrummama.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-finding-fairies.html)
might actually have been Z’s way to give me back my necklace (i.e. whether the
whole scenario was not in fact actually my brilliant idea…);
and, relatedly, about who,
actually, is in charge around here anyway?
Merry summer to you, dear readers,
Full Spectrum Mama
* In my dreams.