Monday, August 19, 2024


Over the last few years, as I’ve had more books come out and gained a variety of speaking engagements, including two recent keynotes (watch here and here), a podcast (listen here), and other related work experience, I’ve started to expand my efforts into consulting

As part of that effort, I connected with a powerhouse corporate consultant and whipped up two proposed workshops to help corporations integrate neurodiversity and neuroscience into their environments and cultures.

The descriptions (* see full text below) were packed with hyper-positive reasons to embrace neurodivergent (ND) employees and extolled the benefits and advantages of a neurodiverse workforce. 

But I’m not sure anyone read through the proposals, since my distinguished professional collaborator was met with mutterings of DEI backlash rather than wild enthusiasm. 

Apparently, one charming fellow even suggested we “stop whining and learn to handle difficulty.” 

This gave me some ideas!

Never mind pesky topics like neuroscience, disability, neurodiversity, and intersectionality. 

I’m going to pivot! Circle back to the populations that TRULY need a strong advocate. 

Take people who sense that their advantages are slowly draining away from them. How about one-on-one coaching around “Staying Positive While Attempting to Forge a Path Back Toward More Privilege”? 

Or a workshop for individuals facing an onslaught of diversity in their community. This one could be called “What to Do When Homogeneity Is Challenged.” 

Consider a seminar tailored to address the downtrodden, angry leaders of corporations (or governments) that prefer to boldly eschew the legal, corporate, financial, ethical, and other advantages of actually including disabled people in their workforce (citizenry).

These inspiring workshops will help the many, many people who need to stop whining and learn to handle difficulty, or SWALTHD. 

No unimpeded access to exactly what you want all the time? 

No problem. 

The SWALTD Method© will teach you how to “Get what you get, and don’t get upset!”

The SWALTHD Method© can be deployed to help a variety of people such as: 

Angry citizens who don’t think fancy drag queens should read books aloud in libraries.
Individuals confused by linguistic progress. 
Rich people grappling with a tiny bit of their money being unfairly taken in taxes for anti-poverty programs and education.
Those who struggle with the way their cat ignores them.
White men dealing with people of other genders and ethnicities sneakily stealing the opportunities that belong only to them. Because they are white. And male. 
Anyone peeved by those pesky climate change-y people who want to not destroy the world. 

Please join me in considering the plethora of ways the SWALTHD Method© might be deployed to create positive evolution. 

Thanks and love,
Full Spectrum Mama

* Here is the full text of the proposed workshops:

Neurodivergence Training for HR/Welcoming Neurodivergent Employees/The Neurodiverse Workforce of the Future
Today’s constantly evolving, complex organizations need new ways of thinking if they are to thrive into the future. Neurodivergent people, who experience a range of brain differences including autism, ADHD, and bipolar, are our most iconoclastic and original thinkers. Yet most work environments and cultures are not set up to include, affirm, and welcome this vital population. An informed HR function can cultivate a range of neuro-affirming mindsets and practices, from sensory-positive materials and spaces to genuinely inclusive attitudes and clear, explicit expectations. Supporting leaders in welcoming the Neurodiverse workforce of the future will be key to this approach. Participants will collaboratively develop tools to improve workplace environments and cultures for the benefit of stakeholders [NOTE: I have subsequently stopped using this word] of all neurologies. This workshop is facilitated by Autistic author Jennifer Elizabeth Brunton, Ph.D., co-author of The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy and The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Building Independence.

Neuroscience and Leadership/Five-Brain Leadership/Full-Capacity Leadership/Leading With Your Whole Self
Neuromanagement strategies arise from the productive intersection of neuroscience and daily life in the business world. We will explore leadership based on a deeper understanding of all five of our interlocking brains—reptilian, emotional, rational, heart, and gut [incorporating a holistic understanding of Neurodiversity]. Through practical tools and exercises, you’ll learn how to build your capacity in each of these control centers, and to recognize all the ways they are at play in how humans operate, interrelate, and react to change. We’ll look at ways to improve not only executive function, focus, and project/time management, but also interconnection, communication, empathy, insight, and inclusivity. This interactive program will help managers deploy innovative, tailored approaches, and enable them to continue to reflectively hone their brain capacities at work and beyond. This workshop is facilitated by Jennifer Elizabeth Brunton, Ph.D., co-author of Five Brain Leadership: How Neuroscience Can Help You Master Your Instincts and Build Better Teams, The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Advocacy, and The #ActuallyAutistic Guide to Building Independence.


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